Botanical Gardens

The aloe and succulent gardens at Malandela’s are not only a creative exhibition of unusual plants but are also a celebration of the diversity and beauty of Swaziland’s floral wealth.


The gardens have developed through a passion and love for nature and a commitment to the conservation and preservation of Swaziland’s incredible floral diversity.


The gardens are constantly increasing in size and so new plant material must be sourced from various areas around Swaziland. It is from construction sites that new plant material is sourced and rescued from inevitable destruction.


The gardens are a fascinating example of how to use plants in a creative and organic way that beautifully illustrates the complex art of nature.


The gardens can be enjoyed via meandering paths and are available for weddings and garden parties. For more information please inquire through


Indigenous nursery

Malandela’s has started an indigenous tree and plant nursery were trees are being propagated from seed and will be used to reforest areas of Eswatini through tree planting initiatives linked to the MTN Bushfire music and arts festival and through Malandela’s Guest House. Trees from the nursery are also on sale to all visitors.

Plant A Tree!

For the past 5 decades Malandela’s has been planting indigenous trees and plants on the farm, the garden areas you see today was an open field 50 years ago.

The idea is to create beautiful indigenous gardens which showcase a collection of the regions, amazing floral diversity and at the same time provide beautiful gardens for our visitors.



Malandela’s has a very active recycling program. Glass, tin, paper, cardboard, plastics and general waste are all collected and sorted at the central sorting bay before being bagged and collected by our partner recycling company, whom then recycle the materials for reuse. All organic matter is recycled and made into compost which is used to fertilize the gardens.
